Our aim is to be recognised as having an industry leading reputation for excellent customer service so the need to adopt a complaints procedure will hopefully be a situation that will not occur.
However, we know it is not an ideal world so it is absolutely vital to have a clear process in place to ensure our customers have complete peace of mind.

Should any problems arise, it is always our key objective to deal with these quickly, preferably at the time the matter arises. Nevertheless, we understand that times may arise where a complaint requires escalation, in which case we request that customers adopt the following procedure:

In the event of an unresolved complaint with SOGO, please email managingdirector@sogomobility.co.uk.

If you remain dissatisfied, please email complaints@cambriaautos.co.uk with the details of your complaint. Customer care will aim to respond within 14 days.

All details will be recorded and the following steps will be followed:

Options for Resolution

A range of options will be explored that satisfy the customers concerns and fairly resolve the problems at hand.

Action Plan

A plan of agreed actions will be implemented with a supporting timeframe and followed through rigorously.


Once we have achieved an agreed successful conclusion with the customer, we will then fully document the event and implement revised processes as required to prevent any reoccurrence of this situation.


Throughout the process we encourage and practice open communication utilising those channels which the customer feels most comfortable to ensure a swift and satisfactory resolution.


Delivering exceptional levels of customer service is fundamental to the success of our business and every complaint or concern is reported to the Managing Director of SOGO on a daily basis to ensure the right level of focus is applied. We take a simple view. Without happy satisfied customers, we do not have a business!

Being members of the BVRLA, we are fully committed to work within their published code of conduct and in the event that you are not satisfied, you are entitled to take your complaint directly to the BVRLA. Their contact details are as follows:

By telephone: 01494 434747

By email: info@bvrla.co.uk

By post: River Lodge, Badminton Court, Amersham, Bucks HP7 0DD

Complaints concerning Consumer Hire

Please put your complaint in writing by letter or e-mail to:

SOGO Customer Care, Grange Jaguar Hatfield, Hatfield Business Park, Mosquito Way, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9US.


We will aim to acknowledge your complaint in writing within 5 working days and provide a final response in no longer than 8 weeks;

We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. Where your case is complex we may need some time to make sure we have covered everything, so we will keep you informed while we do so.